Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hello, World Wide Web... Is anyone listening?

Hello, everyone! This is my very first blog, so it's going to be rough around the edges for a while. But, here I go -- I was born in the mid 70's, but I truly feel I'm a child of the 80's. I miss so many things from society and myself during that period. Things like my Tandy Color Computer (Tandy CoCo as it was affectionately known), movies, games, toys, and people. Everything seemed so much simpler, families seemed so much closer in the 80's. What has happened to society? Maybe, it's just me... Maybe I was just a child then and was seeing everything through a child eyes, but I sure remember being a lot happier with much less. I think that's what I miss the most, the innocence.
I'm doing this blog to possibly relive some of my dreams I had in the 80's. I've always had a love of PC's and technology before it was mainstream like today. Everyone thinks their a computer expert today! Back in the day you really had to be an expert just to use one :) This blog will also be therapy and an education for me (hopefully someone else to). I'm hoping to re-learn some of that HTML code I've forgotten, heck might do some java to. Hopefully, my writing will improve, writing has always been my weakest subject (if you don't count people :)

This blog will be about MY interests: Life, Politics, Video games, Technology, Books, Television, Movies and Diet/Exercise. So, I hope you continue to read my blog, it will get better I promise!